A big part of our mission at Vvolt is to share the appeal of e-micromobility transportation with people who may have never considered riding an "analog" bike for transportation.
So when we were approached by Electrify Expo; an EV-only show held at locations across the US, we thought their setting would be the perfect place to find people interested in learning more about using Ebikes for transportation, but we needed a fun "hook" to catch the eye of folks who might be there to look at the new Kia EV auto.
Heading down to Austin Texas to introduce Vvolt to the Electrify crowd at the final show of their 2021 season, we felt we should commemorate the event with a one-off eye-catching paint job.
We ordered up some paint from the bike spray-can experts and
spray.bike and cut out a hundred "Vv" logos for masking. We wanted to pay homage to Electrify's rainbow-hued color theme without overwhelming the colors of our other bikes...and we had a plan!
Enter the subtle rainbow reveal:
How 'bout all those Vs?!
Over the top, we shot a couple coats of white, then spent a few hours laboriously removing the masking to reveal the rainbow Vs!
Then we topped it off with a Spray.Bike clearcoat featuring some subtle sparkle.

...and the full bike in all its glory:

Hats off to Dan and Sawyer for taking on this project!
It's tough to make time for fun projects as a new brand hustling to keep up with the pace of sales, new bike development and all the other stuff we have in the works, but it's worth it to show off and have some fun.
We'll be attending Electrify Expo shows in Seattle, LA and Austin this year. Fingers crossed we'll have the bandwidth to cook up some new specials for those shows. Hope to see you there!